Make a Healthy Halloween Snack

There are so many sweets consumed on and around Halloween it is always fun to make a healthy festive snack.
This one is perfect to bring into a classroom or take to a party – it is super easy too! I found this recipe last year in the ‘Family Fun’ magazine.
Banana Ghosts – BOO!
- Bananas
- Mini chocolate chips
- Regular size chocolate chips
Directions – easy as 1, 2, 3:
- Slice Bananas in half
- Push two mini chocolate chips in for eyes (flat side forward) and one regular chocolate chip in for a mouth
- Place on platter to display and make them easy to share
The kids at Carl’s preschool loved this and he loved having something fun to bring in on their Halloween parade day.
The Shorter family is big on Halloween. My mother-in-law Mari Shorter decorates her whole house for the holiday – including a very realistic grave yard with ghosts and all. It is done beautifully – Martha Stewart could use it for her Halloween edition. It all started when her daughter, Jenn, was born on Halloween. Make sure to check out Grandpa Shorter’s this season as Owner Jenn goes all out and it is a must see – give Jenn a shout and a happy birthday while you’re at it.
Happy Halloween Friends- enjoy!