10 Reasons Michigan is a Great Place to be a Kid in Summer

August 13, 2015
I wasn’t fortunate enough to grow up in Michigan, but I’m raising my two sons here in The Mitten State. I think it’s one of the best places to you can be in the summer if you’re a kid. Here’s a few reasons why.

1. You get to spend your summers swimming in one of the Great Lakes, and you don’t care how cold the water is. There’s nothing as refreshing as a dip in one of the big lakes on a hot day. They’re so large they behave like unsalted oceans, even whipping up big waves and surf if the wind blows hard enough.

2. Towering sand dunes line the shores along the Great Lakes. It’s quite an accomplishment to climb all the way to 10 Reasons Michigan is a Great Place to be a Kid in Summerthe top. The views are spectacular and rolling down to the bottom is as much fun as going up.

3. In late June and the month of July, the sun doesn’t set until almost 10pm. That means lots of long summer nights playing outside for hours after dinner. It doesn’t get dark until 10 o’clock.

4. Almost all public schools in Michigan begin their year after Labor Day which means kids here get to enjoy the best months of summer outside the classroom. We always feel sorry for our friends in neighboring states when they have to go back to school in August.

5. We have fruit farms all over our state. There’s nothing as sweet as going strawberry, blueberry or cherry picking with your mom and eating the fresh picked fruit right in the field. Yum!

6. The Detroit Tigers are one of the most storied baseball teams in history. A trip to Comerica Park when you’re a kid is something you’ll never forget.

7. It’s traditional for Michigan families to pack up and head north for summer vacation. Ludington, Traverse City and Petoskey are all favorite places in the Lower Peninsula. Or they may head even farther north across the Mackinac Bridge to Mackinac Island and the Upper Peninsula.

8. It seems like every Michigan town has a local shop that makes its own ice cream. There’s nothing like eating a scoop of your favorite flavor on a hot summer day.

9. Kids love to go exploring in the woods and they’re easy to find around here. Many of us have the woods right out our own back door. But even if we live in the city, we aren’t ever very far from hiking trails and state parks where we can discover the great outdoors.

10. At dusk the fireflies come out and light up the night from June to August. Almost every Michigan kids has chased fireflies on a warm summer night. If you’re quick, you can catch them, and put them in jar for a closer look.

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