5 Reasons Your Teenager Needs A Job

March 12, 2019

Ah to be a teenager again. Not a care in the world and I’d be able to sleep in!! Ok, that might not be the life of most teens today but I’d still love a chance at sleeping in again!

Today on the blog we’re discussing 5 reasons your teen needs a job. It’s been a long time since I was a teenager but way back in the day, I got my first ‘real’ job the summer after 8th grade. I started washing dishes at a private beach club in the town I grew up in. Was it glamorous? Heck no! Did I love it? Not really….BUT I did enjoy the money that I made and the perks (free meals from a first rate chef!).

Throughout my teenage years I worked as a dish washer, grocery bagger and eventually a car hop at a local diner (yep, we still had those when I was a teen). I didn’t love the jobs but the hours were reasonable and I learned how to save money and also be a responsible spender. My parents gave me a few bucks here and there but it was great not having to rely on them for everything AND I even bought my first car with my earnings!

That being said I’m a huge advocate for teens working. I don’t think it has to be something that is Monday-Friday or 40 hours a week but a few hours here and there never hurt anyone.

5 Reasons Your Teen Needs A Job

  1. They’ll have their own money to spend and save. This one is a total no brainer. Teens aren’t cheap. Between electronics, eating out, and shopping, life as a teenager isn’t cheap.
  2. They will learn responsibility. Life isn’t easy as we all know and learning how to be responsible for your time and balancing work, home, and school life is best learned at an early age.
  3. They will gain work experience outside the home and also build connections for the future.
  4. Working part time is a great way to make use of extra free time. Not only would your teen be earning money, s/he’d also be staying out of trouble.
  5. Working part time could potentially build your teen’s confidence. A new found sense of responsibility and earnings could spark a sense of ‘I can do it!’

Last week I had the opportunity to to talk with a two of Grandpa Shorter’s teen employees and gained a little insight what they have learned having a part-time job.

Jacob S. and Olivia Z.

Q: What made you apply at Grandpa Shorter’s?

Jacob A: I heard they were hiring through a friend and it seemed liked it would be a great place to work and now I love it!

Olivia A: I applied at Grandpa Shorter’s because my sister worked here from her first job and loved it.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working at Grandpa Shorters?

Jacob A: Organizing products and meeting new people from Petoskey all over.

Oliva A: The main reason is the people. They make me laugh and smile daily.

Q: What have you learned working at Grandpa Shorter’s?

Jacob A: I’ve learned to talk to new people.

Olivia A: Working a cash register, counting money and people skills!

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