The Big Reveal: Trapper’s Cabin
Trapper’s Cabin, located on the lower level of Grandpa Shorter’s Gifts, has been under construction since early January. What used to be an oasis for everything “cottage” like, is now a Pendleton retreat in a way. Not many stores in Northern Michigan do very much at all with the Pendleton brand, although it’s extremely popular. That being said, many of the products displayed in the “New” Trapper’s Cabin, are ones that you certainly could not buy anywhere else in the Petoskey Area. Jenn Shorter really wanted her customers to be able to visualize just what Pendleton could do for their home, so many new features were added to the space. A special bed frame was even built to exhibit Pendleton’s new line of bed clothing, which you can find prominently displayed in the back corner of the store. Not to mention, there are some unique custom-made Pendleton-like deer heads hanging on the walls too!

Although the Trappers Cabin is filled with Pendleton products, a variety of clothing and socks are also featured there. Apparel featuring Michigan, Petoskey, Up North, and etc. are all included in the clothing selection on the left wall. A variety of Pendleton socks, drinkware, towels and blankets are also displayed there.

And, remember the Canoe in the crazy video the was posted on Grandpa Shorter’s Facebook about five months ago? Well, the reason those GSG woman were trudging the canoe down the street in the snow was to place it in its new home in Trappers Cabin. Now the canoe is filled with a variety of furry friends just waiting to be taken home with your little ones.

Like I said, there is even more apparel on the lower level. And, as soon as you take the stairs down to trappers, these lake items are displayed on your right. The “Lake People” brand is quite unique and certain to be trending this summer.

If you didn’t get your “socks” fix upstairs in Grandpa Shorter’s, then you’re sure to find something that suits you in Trappers Cabin. Not only are Pendleton socks on display, but also even more warm and stylish WigWam socks. And what goes better with warm socks than a warm blanket? Throughout the store you will find numerous different types of soft Pendleton throws. It sure was hard for me not to take one home the first time I visited.

There are many more products that are not pictured here. So, I guess, you’ll just have to check it out for yourself! But, these are a few things you can definitely expect to find: Pendleton Bedding, Towels, Throws, Drinkware, Purses, Backpacks, Handbags, Accessories, and Socks. Pendleton, Pendleton, Pendleton!