Celebrate Moms

May 6, 2015

Motherhood - Generations of Love

Dear Friends,

Mother’s day is THIS Sunday, May 10th.

I did not understand the power of Mother’s Day until I had my son, Carl Shorter. Once I was pregnant, and when he was born, I was overcome with emotion and respect as I began to understand what mothers go through for their children. Carl was born via C-Section after 20 hours of labor, and that was a sobering realization that I was very glad that I had Carl in this day-in-age, as he as I could have both died if we were in a past era. Women have been through so much and have fought tooth and nail to get where we are today. It is important to celebrate the women in our lives that are mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, women who are like mothers to us, or are part of our tribe. Friendships with women become more and more important as you go through life. Creating a beautiful support system and a positive relationship with women in invaluable.

“Celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele, but the clearest modern precedent for Mother’s Day is the early Christian festival known as “Mothering Sunday.”” – History.com

Mother's Day - Love for Generations

In the Shorter Family, we celebrate Mother’s day a little differently than many others. Instead of going out to brunch, we do a project that the mom would like to get done. For instance, one year, we cleaned up a path for Mari Shorter, and we have planted trees in our yard. There is something about getting a project done that is rewarding.

In my family growing up, we always picked an adventure for the day. We would go on a long drive to see a small town or go on a hike. It was always a wonderful bonding time, and memories were made.

It is important to remember those that came before you and take time for yourself as a mom. As I was collecting photos of all the mothers who impacted both Ryan and my life, it was very clear that for moms, family always comes first. This was obvious as there were the least amount of photos of the moms – as you know, that mom is usually taking the picture.

So moms – I challenge you – be sure to get in front of the camera with your kids. Your family will thank you later as memories will be preserved.

Happy Mother’s Day to all! Take time to celebrate mom; it is well deserved. Make sure your mom or the women in your life is properly recognized for her efforts that are so often unappreciated.

Generations of love can be seen in the photo collages above:

Grandma Ruth Shorter – Mother of 3 boys and Grandma and Great-Grandma to many more.  Rest in Peace Ruth.

Grandma Ruth Otto – Mother to my father, Louis Otto and 4 others – Grandma to Alex Shorter and 7 more and Great Grandmother to 4.  Miss you Grandma Ruth.

Cecelia Otto – Mother of Alex Shorter and Grandma to Carl Shorter

Alex Shorter – Mother of Carl Gilbert Shorter II

Grandma Beth Markus – Mother of Mari Shorter and 7 other children – many Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren

Mari Shorter – Mother of Ryan & Jennifer Shorter – Grandma of Kaitlyn and Carl

Avatar for Alex Shorter