COVID-19 and Homeschooling

March 18, 2020
We know this is a hard time for parents and students alike. Many of you are at home working, watching the kids, teaching the kids, or a mix of all the above. To help you navigate this difficult time, we've created a list of screen-free activities, complimentary Easter Bunny coloring sheets and Downtown Petoskey Coloring sheets for download. In addition, below is a list of activities, both educational and fun, that you can do with the kids at home.

We know this is a hard time for parents and students alike. Many of you are at home working, watching the kids, teaching the kids, or a mix of all the above. Below is a list of activities, both educational and fun, that you can do with the kids at home. 

Take a Virtual Field Trip: Not only are schools closed but most, museums, zoos and other places of business are closing too. This can make it difficult for kids and parents, but thanks to technology, we can discover people, places, and things without having to leave the comforts of our home. If you have access to a phone, computer, smart TV and internet, you can go anywhere! There are several resources available, but a few that we enjoyed were the Virtual School Activities, Beluga, and the Cincinnati Zoo tours. You can visit anywhere from Ann Franks House to the Clear Water Aquarium, to the Great Wall of China or the Zoo. The options are nearly endless and fun. For the older kids, you can have them visit their place of interest and write a paragraph about what they learned. The can include whether they would recommend the visit to their peers, why or why not.  

Links for Learning: I know many kids may be thinking this is a vacation, and parents are scrambling to find tools to help keep the kid’s minds stimulated. There are so many great sites available for online teaching tools. You can learn anything from Science, Math, History, English and more. They have educational games, printable worksheets, videos, inspirational stories, and more. A few of our favorites were the Crash Course, teAchnology, StoryCorps, and Your Modern Family shared a long list of great options too. 

Music, Art, and Theater: Who doesn’t enjoy a little music, art, and theater? The kids need a little break from academics so we get them moving with outdoor physical activities and some extracurricular fun. For the kids that are currently playing an instrument, this a great time to practice. If your kids don’t play an instrument or are too young, there are other great options. Busy Kids Do Piano is offering free mini piano lessons, Garage Band, which is a downloadable app, is a fun learning tool, or they can take a field trip to the Digital Concert Hall.  The kids can draw a picture, explore an art museum, pick a craft from Pinterest, learn a new song, sing a new song, act out a scene in the book you are currently reading. This is probably the most fun and creative topic for the kids. 

Gym Class: Getting physical during our time at home is imperative for both the adults and kids alike. This is a great time to experiment with some fun activities. Check out our post on staying healthy and fit for more fun ideas. 

covid 19 homeschooling
Grandpa Shorter’s Gifts Easter Bunny Coloring Sheets
Download Here
petoskey coloring book
Grandpa Shorter’s Gifts Downtown Petoskey Coloring Sheets
Download Here
We know this is a hard time for parents and students alike. Many of you are at home working, watching the kids, teaching the kids, or a mix of all the above. To help you navigate this difficult time, we've created a list of screen-free activities, complimentary Easter Bunny coloring sheets and Downtown Petoskey Coloring sheets for download. In addition, below is a list of activities, both educational and fun, that you can do with the kids at home.

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