Flag Day June 14th

June 14, 2021

We are on the cusp of summer, can you believe it?! Long sunny days, warmer weather, and July 4th are right around the corner! We hope you have been taking advantage of the gorgeous weather lately and spending as much time outside as possible. 

Did you know that June 14th is Flag Day? You’re probably like most people, you’ve heard of it and it’s on the calendar but you don’t know much about it. Today, I’m talking about Flag Day and its importance.

What is Flag Day?

Flag Day is an annual tradition in the United States. It is always celebrated on June 14th, regardless of the day. Flag Day started on June 14th, 1777, when the United States of America officially adopted the United States Flag. That said, it wasn’t until 1916 that President Woodrow Wilson officially established June 14th as Flag Day and made it an annual holiday. Flag Day is not a federally recognized holiday, but some states honor it as a state holiday. Here in Michigan, the city of Three Oaks celebrates Flag Day every year with an annual 3-day event and the largest and oldest Flag Day parade in the nation.

Now that you know a little background information on Flag Day let’s talk about the American flag. The American flag is a national symbol of our freedom. We fly the flag proudly to show our support for our military as well as our country. The American flag can be and is often displayed year-round, especially on major holidays such as:

  • Presidents’ Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Armed Forces Days
  • Veterans Day
  • Flag Day
  • Other federal holidays

Some tips on flag etiquette and displaying the flag respectfully:

  • Display the flag only between sunrise and sundown. The flag should only be displayed during nighttime hours if illuminated.
  • Do not display the flag in inclement weather.
  • Do not allow the flag to touch the ground.
  • When not on display, the flag should be respectfully folded into a triangle, symbolizing the tricorn hats worn by colonial soldiers in the Revolutionary War.

Grandpa Shorter’s Gifts proudly displays multiple American flags outside the store throughout the year, symbolizing our support and respect for the United States of America.

In honor of Flag Day, Grandpa Shorter’s Gifts offers a unique custom postcard that not only commemorates the American flag, but also teaches you how to fold it as well. Following the simple and easy 7 steps on the card allows anyone to display the American flag and fold it for safekeeping. Click here to download and view a larger version for easier reading.

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