Holiday Gift Ideas in All Colors of the Rainbow

I love purple. Purple flowers and purple clothes! And I even have purple counter-tops in my bathroom. My family, friends and co-workers are aware of my obsession and are frequently on the lookout for unusual and fun items to add to my collection.
Working at Grandpa Shorter’s has been a bonanza for me as far as purple items have been concerned.
So far this fall I have found a purple purse (great deal), a purple scarf, purple striped socks and purple hand warmers. I will admit that several of those items were not completely purple, however, you can have too much of a wonderful thing. In the past some of my other finds here have been purple fringed boots, purple moccasins, a delightfully soft purple change purse, and purple fingerless gloves.
My purpose in mentioning all these items to you is for you to think of someone in your life who has a favorite color. Wouldn’t it be fun to come here and have one of the extremely friendly and helpful salespeople help go on a color hunt around the store with you?
It may sound weird, however, remember that everyone loves it when they receive a gift in their favorite color. It shows that you care about them and personalized your gift giving! It certainly does not have to be purple (a certain person here at the store loves red, guess who???).
We have all the colors of the rainbow at Grandpa Shorter’s just waiting for YOU!!!