How to NOT Look Like You’re Wearing PJ’s at School Drop Off

August 12, 2015
How to not look like you're wearing pjs to school drop off

It’s that time of year again – getting the kids back in the school groove.  You have tirelessly shopped and organized your children’s clothes, ran around to multiple stores getting their school supplies, made sure their backpack & lunchbox are perfect, and loaded up on school lunch items to be sure you are ready.  Super-mom is in action!  Watch out don’t step on the cape as you are streaking around town making sure every little detail is attended to.

Take a deep breath and remember – YOU.  All that care you took won’t count for much if you look like a crack-head at school drop off.

Remember, kids need to see a mom who takes care of themselves too.

So in that breath here are some ideas on how to dress for school drop that should be just as fast as the PJs or sweats.

Look stylish at school drop off with these simple tips and tricks.

10 Tips on Easy School Drop Off Looks:

  1. Invest immediately in dry shampoo – you just spray that in your hair and it saves so much time. It allows you to wake up – shower and not have to wash or re-style your hair for days on end. (The mom secret weapon.)
  2. Perfect Jeans – have ONE pair of perfect jeans that you can throw on and always look fabulous
  3. Bright colored pants – pick a color that pairs well with most of your tops
  4. Blouses – pick fun blouses that dress up your jeans or colored pants
  5. Minnetonka Mocs are a must – stock up at Grandpa Shorter’s – they pair well with all your outfits
  6. Maxi skirts or a stretchy pencil skirt always look good with a fitted tee or blouse
  7. A polished quilted coat always pulls any look together
  8. Cute workout clothes are always a great get out of jail free card – even if you aren’t going for hours or even at all that day
  9. A casual expensive looking baggy sweater does the trick with a tank and jeans
  10. With the time you save with dry shampoo throw some make-up on to finish the look

Having fewer clothes but ones that all go together well makes a much bigger impact than having many pieces that don’t work together.  You only need a few of each item if they are high quality, fit well and go well with your other items in your closet.  Build your wardrobe up each season.

I recommend buying nicer items as they generally fit better and last much longer.  Only purchase things you LOVE so you actually wear them.

Remember your look is how people perceive you and your first impression – it gets you in the door – then your personality kicks in.  You owe it to yourself to get up in the morning and spend a few minutes setting your look for the day – it will make you feel good.  Remember, to never buy ill-fitting clothes – get what looks good on you NOW.  So, not when you are 10 or 5 pounds lighter – right now.  Be sure to care for your hair, your skin, nails and make-up regularly.  Taking care of yourself will make a world of difference in your life with how you feel and how people receive you.

Please share your favorite drop-off look that makes you feel good to wear.

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