Letters to Santa 2022
Every year, Grandpa Shorters delivers mail to Santa that boys and girls put in the red mailbox in front of Grandpa Shorters Gifts during November and December. Here are some letters from Christmas 2022.

Dear Santa,
My name is Dakota and I am 6 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me binoculars, paper, cash register, surprises, toy phones.
With love, Dakota
Der Santa
I wot bla blast and a stadeum. Walker
Dear Santa,
My name is Owen and I am 2 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me Playdoh, surprises. With love, Owen
Dear Santa,
My name is Delaney and I am 8 years old. Some of the wonderful things I have done to be good are:
1. I got the rambler cup
2. I have bin good
3. I have bin pashint
I have a few special holiday wishes. They are:
1. Crayola pet colar
2. Squishmeliow tiger mommy and babies
3. Minifrigde
Your friend, Delaney

Dear Santa,
My name is Liam and I am 11 years old. Some of the wonderful things I have done to be good are:
1. Take care of plates after dinner
2. Nice to freinds at school
3. litening
4. Good grades
I have a few special holiday wishes. They are:
1. Dylan Larken jersey
2. 4 marshmello consert tikets
3. X-Box seriers x/2 controlers
4. Hover board
Your friend, Liam
Dear Santa,
this is a list of thing I like from you
1. lego rollercoaster 10261
2. lego creator assembly square 10255
3. lego At-At 75313
4. Kakashi action figure set
5. nine tails uzumak navato set
6. atachi sasakes usa non set
7. nerf Halo bulldog SG Dart Drum
8. nerf CS-10
9. nerf flip – 32
10. nerf ultra select
11. nerf ThunderHawk
12. nerf RL
13. Mystery Crystal Kit
14. RC Ford Broncos
15. navuto shippuden monoply
16. laptop
17. nintendo gift card 5150 cards Pleas and one 99 to.
18. 1,000 pokenon cards and 1 vmax Arcyas
19. lego Republic Gunship 75309
20. lego star destroyer 75252
21. lego starbucks
22. iphon 14
23. pante markers
24. art set up
Things how I have been good is on the back:
How I have been good
1. By doing chores
2. By being nice
3. By helping
4. By working hard
Love, Deacon
Dear Santa,
Can I please have:
• stuffed penguin/owl/cat
• gold necklace
• earings
• markers
• shoes (sparkly)
• glitter
• bracelet with beads
• Playdo
• Santa stuffy
Dear Santa Claus,
Can I please have
• magic mixies ball
• sparkly crayons/markers
• Jumbo Pokemon card
• Jewelry
• stuffies
• $
For Santa
I have been a good girl. I hope you have lots of cookies! Here is my list:
craff stuff
squishy ball
Encanto activity set
Baby Yoda
LOL surprise dolls
Ghost spider
Mae would like a new chewy toy and bones. Daddy would like new gloves. Mommy would like a new book. Sissy would like a book also.
Love, Charlotte
To santa,
Can I please hav Singk in Sand and a death star lego set.
Love Nolan
Dear Santa
Hello! I love Christmas I mean who doesn’t! I cant wait for christmas day. Will you please bring something for my parent? They have had a ruf couple of weeks. I will make sure to put some milk and cookies for you by my tree. Please bring me some presents!
From Lillian
P.S. Please tell hot coco and Kirby come soon!
Dear Santa,
I have been good. Can you please bring me a new toy. Happy Christmas.
Love, Charlie
Dear Santa
Squish utall mas nano masov ufo undrcovr corgi santa star burst plush pushee n ckolring book black adum dr. fant. Hake man siklon atom shuri iron heart pretrtoy alen thor midethor michael mirs costoom. Lego city stuntz aKedo power storm how are you doing today wobllbo bll ball Jasper
1. pet alive – sabbertooth tiger
2. lego fish tank
3. balance beam
4. 5 Surprise
5Fallout 76
Dear Santa
this is what I whant for chrismas.
1. 500 pok’emon cards
2. a pok’emon billder
3. A lot of rock kits.
4. A lot of legos!
5. the rarest pok’emon card.
6. a chines pok’emon card.
from Everett Lesh.
thank you!
Dear Santa
How are you? Mary crastmas! You are the best for crestmas I want a remote snake and a cheetah & cub plush. & otter care & nater set. Games pokemon, charizard. Art cage, pink, little mama serise! Genepig playset. Sports kids folding hockey 2 goal set. Space lego set. groe goue lego set. tiger set & fox fishset. lama mine craft lego set. green race car lego set four weler that carrys wood fake wood and dane saw. Mary crastmas.
love, Emerson
Dear Santa,
This year for Christmas I would please like
1. L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G Ultimate Fashion Designer Kit
2. The Forbidden Island: Explorer Academy
3. For you to have a safe sleigh ride and to keep your strength up by eating all those cookies! Give pets to all the reindeer for me! Love, Nora
P.S. Thank you! P.P.S. We named our Christmas tree Dasher this year!
Dear Santa,
For Christmas this year I would like the Owls Adult Coloring book and the Douglas Rafter Barn owl plush stuffed animal, please.
Love, Oliver
P.S. Thank you!
dear Santa, I have a lot of questions for you. how many elves do you have? Am I on the GOOD list or the NAUGHTY list? Please if you can can I have as one of my presents a iPhone 14 pro? Here are other things I want: lego mario, pokemon and harry potter, Pokemon cards, all of the mulet cooks diperoverride, diary of a wimpy kids, harry potter and pokemon pjs, watch, Harry Potter ornaments, mario and rabbits sparks of hope, be blades, mario and pokemon and Harry Potter pants, jeans, Mario, Pokemon and Harry Potter sweatshirts and Mario Harry Potter and Pokemon posters.
Merry Christmas Santa Claus and Mrs Clays!
Dear Santa,
can I please have some makeup kits, legos, art kits, bareies, science kits, clothes size 10-12, sllmekites. When is Chippy coming. I’m worried for him. Wite me backe please.
Love Vivienne
I want iron ingot and or black panther stuffed animal with coal.
Polly Pocket birthday party, 28” Barbie, Gabby dollhouse mini figure mini, surprise brand, may I cm I xI og, mermaid baby.
Dear Santa,
My name is Addi. I am 7 years old. I thought you should know that I have been extra nice. My favorite thing that happened this year was my birthday and frends. For Christmas I would like: A Baby sloth.
Thank you, Addi
Dear Santa,
I am in 5th grade and I would love to have a foam sled.
from Noah
Dear Santa,
Hi, How are you? My name is Elliot and I’m 4. For Christmas I would like Legos and Paw Patrol. Merry Christmas! Love Elliot
Dear Santa
For Christmas can I have a
apple ipad, a baby chocolate laby and some food? I also want the lego treehouse and the polar bear plush and the llama village animal crossing, xbox 360, madden 23, nintendo light and thats all. Did you know I live 3,086 miles from you. Everett
Hi! Santa
Hows a gowinge at the north pole? I want for crismis is a Poke’man binder and a mega mutoy and 500 Pok’emon kards. and a lesh servent robot! Plese and thank you!
from Wyatt
Dear Santa,
Our names are Byron and Isla, we are 7 and 5 years old. Byron says that she has been naughty AND nice. Isla says she has been nice, but listens most of the time. Byron wants the reindeer with Santa sheet, toy restaurant, remote control plane, magnetic blocks, art stuff and Playdoh. Isla would like a unicorn stuffy and blanket, doll house, remote control plane and art stuff and Playdoh. We will be extra good and will leave you cookies, milk and carrots for the reindeer. We love you Santa!
Isla, Byron!
Dear Santa,
Whet I wont for Christmas is a stofanmol mous. I know you probly don’t know woch one I wont bot if you do that would be grat! I know some peapol don’t belev in you bot I do. Mi favrit rander is probly Blitzen! Mary Christmas Santa!
Love, Tori
Dear Santa
May I have 3 things
• Barbie Dream camper
• art easel
• camper accessories
I am bing good:
Love, Preston
Dear Santa
I want a top things
1. hovbered
2. Legos
3. roBlox chaeter toys
Stuff I need: pencl case book
Stuff stoking: A roBlox gift gard, candey, you pick
I hope Michigan win’s yoo
Favret food pizza, color blue/pink, Loves Doooooooog
from Keelle
remot control car
Dear Santa,
My name is Savannah. I am 6 years old and live in Petoskey. I thought you should know I’ve been extra nice and naughty. I want a iPod paint and paint brushes ples. For Christmas I would like elf on the shef.
Thank you, Savannah
Dear Santa, are the elfs and reindeer healthy! I hope so. I’ve got a few questions #1 Does the magic on the reindeers ever come off? and #2 how many toys do the elfs make a day? For chirstmas I would like a lego freinds set, calico critters, board or card game, coloring book, barbies, American girl doll Kira or assorices and a DIY kit for something to put in my room. or anything else you find. Thank you
love, Elsee
P.S. These other papers are the baby dolls:
Dear Santa, for chirstmas I would like a stuffed animal, Clothes, and closet. love, Baby Jena
Dear Santa, For chirstmas I would like Sardines, tuna fish and a toy ball. Love, Spots
Dear Santa, For chirstmas I would like shoes, clothes or nthing eder American girl/our geouratoin. I also want a scooter. Love, Dolly P.S. She is a 18inch girl Doll
Dear Santa, For cristmas I would like Sardines, tuna fish, and a toy ball, love, Art
Stella’s Chrismas list
• art organizer (not really big)
• watercolor brush pens
• uni posca paint marker
• sensory swing for kids (pink)
• kleptocats book
• shibainu sweatsht (size M)
• Purple tie-dye kids oodie
• water bottle stickers
• American girl doll coffee shop
• Barbie doll with pink-streaked hair
• Barbie fahionistas with highlighted hair
• Artsy Fartsy drawing game for kids
• wacky tracks
• a flipy chain, pea pod and mesh
• fidget toys
• American girl doll trundle bed
• American girl doll scooter the dog
• American girl doll yellow hat and black jacket
• Ag doll purple dress
• Ag doll tie-dye dress
• Ag doll camo dress
• Ag doll care bares PJs
• Ag Koala PJs
• Ag fancy pet fashion accessories
• Ag pups race dog house
• crocs kid (size 3 lavendar)
• lego friends art school
• lego friends mountain jungle
• sketch book
Dear Santa,
Piggy bank
Tackle dummy
Hi Santa, Whet should I get for chrismas …? Well how our the reindeers? I would like some board games (meirkrt 44) and star wars stuff and a nerf gun and football card and or baseball cards and or baseball cards, any or butrbsctket arts german villige or smarkots and eltric football or army guys and thats all and anything else you think of and do you like stollen?
Love, Deven
P.S. I held my promise to not shoot my sister with a nerf gun. oh I forgot a trail camera and or drone and a wiiU or a switch or xbox and the games for the console if I get it. Thank you! I promise to be good!
Daer Santa for crismis can I have a hot weels and a dinasor play gun? I am sorry that I playd on the ipad. Sincerely sorry.
Dear Santa,
My name is Aspyn. I have been extra nice. Cat
Dear Santa,
My name is Elladee. I am 7 years old and live in Petoskey. I thought you should know I have been extra nice. My favorite thing that happened this year was going on the lift. For Christmas I would like fasin figit doll squishmelos.
Thank you,
Dear Santa,
My name is Fisher. I am 7 years old and live in Petoskey. I thought you should know I’ve been extra nice. My My favorite thing that happened this year was snow on the ground. For Christmas I would like a Lego set.
Thank you,
Dear Santa,
My name is Wells and I am 1 year old. I am so excited for Christmas this year! I have been VERY nice. A few things I did that were nice are: sleep all night, not pull the cats hair. This year for Christmas I’d like a baby toy.
Love, Wells
Dear Santa,
My name is Damen and I’ve been super good to my sister this year. I’m also working on my listening to my mom and dad. I’ve been very good and for Christmas I want everything at Target and a toy airplane. A big one I and some wine for my mommy and daddy. Can I also have milk for baby sister. We hope you have a safe night delivering all the gifts! Can I also have a bidet under the tree
With love, Damen
Dear Santa,
I would like bokoman, scooter, dino Optomus Prime. I would also like a gumball machine. I love you as much as pickels. I’d also love to get a robot hand that you put on your hand and a bouncy house and a black panther nerf gun hand and Polly Pocket and remote control snake. Thank you!
Love, Reed
from Ema
Silicone twin dolls, Ethan: toy car, Soft baby: dress
Merry Christmas! To Santa:
For Christmas this year I would like: A remote control praying mantis
A remote control snake
Praying mantis arm
Metal detectar
Gecko w/camera eyes
A remote control Gecko
Thank you. I hope Christmas is easy!
Love Milo
Dear Santa,
My name is Ophelia Braddock. I am 6 years old. I live in Petoskey. This year I’ve been nice. For Christmas, I’d like a dollhouse, balance bike.
Love, Ophelia
Dear Santa,
I hope you can read cursive. Please put me on the nice list. I know this sounds crazy, but Id like some coal. And a nintendo, and an elf on the shelf. Could I have a pc pls, a moneter, a desk and a pS 5 caus aparently I broke one. there are some schrachys and I’m so sorry. I got off track on the leter. Please please put me on the nice list. Could I pls have a bell econ the poler express movie. and and a random thing random figet toy and a randam robot toy. May I please have random fidget toy, perferably a cople of puttys please. thats all I beleave. I’ve ben worcking on this for ages and here it is.
Dear Santa,
I want earrings for Christmas. I also want slime and a new rainbow pillow. I hope you like the cookies we made you!
Love, Norah
I want a foam sled for christmas
Love Ryan
Dear Santa,
I ben a little naughty. But I really want a pet unicorn to snuggle with for christmas and I also want slime to.
Dear Santa,
I would like to get my own room for Christmas I would also like to get Snapchat. If you were to get me my own room, I would also want money to buy stuff for the room. Or I could get gift cards from Home Goods.
Love, from Simon
Dear Santa,
My name is Tristan and I live in Michigan. This year I have been very nice. Here are some nice things I did this year:
1. Gave hugs
2. Gave kisses
3. Gave snuggles
For Christmas I would like:
1. toy elf
2. toy snowman
Merry Christmas!
Love, Tristan
Dearest Santa,
Thank you for being so kind. Please tell the reindeer, elves, and Mrs. Claus hello.
Love, Harriet (age 2)
Dear Santa,
My name is Adaline. I am 6 years old and live in Harbor Springs. I thought you should know I’ve been extra nice. My favorite thing that happened this year was: my dad putting up the Christmas tree. For Christmas, I’d like Griffen for Christmas.
Thank you,
Dear Santa,
My name is Frankie Jo. I am 7 years old and I live in Petoskey. I have been extra nice. My favorite thing that happened this year was being with my family. For Christmas I would like modeling clay.
Thank you,
Frankie Joe
Dear Santa,
My name is Duston. I am 7 years old and I live in Petoskey. I have been extra nice. My favorite thing that happened this year was I got to see a Brnden video. For Christmas I wont sooter glarvs.
Thank you
Dear Santa,
My name is Kiiwe. I am 7 yars old and live in Brutus. I have been extra nice and naughty. For Christmas I would like roblox figures, santa costume naruto figures
From: Kiiwe
Dear Santa,
My name is Lily. I am 8 years old and live in Indian River. I have been extra nice. My favorite thing that happened this year was the plard. For Christmas I would like Makd Up Doc McStuffins.
Thank you, Lily
Dear Santa,
My name is Wyatt. I am 8 years old and live in Petoskey. I have been extra nice. My favorite thing that happened this year was sledng. For Christmas I would like Roboxs.
Thank you,
Wyatt Nichols
Dear Santa,
My name is Ezna. I am 7 years old and live in Alanson. I’ve been extra nice. My favorite thing that happened this year was I skadig. For Christmas I would like vr.
Thank you,
Dear Santa,
I love animals and dinosaurs. Ones that have buttons and move. Merry Christmas!
Owen Lefevre (3)
Please give me hot wheels and a present.
from Sam
Dear Santa,
My name is Leo and I am 4 years old. This year I have been naughty and nice. A few things I did that were nice are make my brother laugh. This year I would like more dinosaur toys and a light saber.
Love, Leo
Dear Santa,
My name is Jack and I am 6 years old. This year I have been very nice. A few things I did that were nice are open doors, make my brother laugh. This year for Christmas I would like Creature power suit and creature power disks.
Love, Jack
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I have done these nice things:
1. Good listener
2. Helping friends
3. Doing dishes
My Christmas wishes are:
1. Santa gives me good health
2. Wish I could see Santa now
3. Wish Grandma and Grampy were here for Christmas.Happy birthday Baby Jesus! We will have for you and the reindeer on Christmas Eve at our house.
Thank you, Rosie (age 4)
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I have done these nice things:
1. Wun helpping frehs
2. clenning up aftr my salf
3. dooing the riht thing
My Christmas wishes are:
1. 2000 pes lego set
2. jient stufes
3. a pet dog
Happy Birthday Baby Jesus! We will have cuke for you and the reindeer at our house on Christmas Eve. Thank you, Santa,
Kurt (age 6)
Dear Santa,
My name is Madden. I was a good boy this year! I would like some presents for Christmas. I like:
1. Dinosaurs
2. Robots
3. Remote control cars
4. Robot snake
5. Dino diggin kits
6. Rubicks cube
7. Pokémon cards
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like to have a snowbears, Madden 23, hot wheels, an ortimate for my Gransmaw Oma, I would like a candy cane, some more legos, a white Christmas tree atiket to aliens game and some soks and ugly Christmas sweaters for the family.
Sincerely, Grant
Dear Santa,
How have you been this year? I hope well. What cookies do you like, so I can set them out for you when you visit. How are the elves and Mrs. Claus? I hope everyone is doing fine. Now I don’t want too much for Christmas, so here are just some things I would like. I would like skin colored markers becuase I have lots of other colors, but not enough skin colors. And maybe an LOL Doll, since their clothes are better than Barbie clothes. I would also like more classical books because they are interesting to read. I would also like some washi tape because I like to scrapbook. I would like these for Christmas, but I don’t need everything.
From Madelynne
P.S. If you can fit a llama or chicken in your sleigh, I would appreciate that.
Dear Santa,
1. Elf pet
2. Barbie dream house
3. Fur real pet horse
4. Girlfriends Horse
5. Squishville
6. Girlfriends kitchen playset
7. Barbie reveal set
8. Barbie closet
9. Rainbocorns surprise
10. LOL Minisweets deluxe kisses
11. Nintendo switch
Dear Santa,
How are you? How was your year? Here is my list of things that I want. I want a skymark China Airlines 777. I really like planes. I also want quishmellows and toy llamas. I want new clothes because some fo my clothes are small. Another thing is the Tomy E4 Shinkansen toy train. Also, for the skymark, I want it with wheels. I also want the toy mochi squishmallows Squooshems Blind Bog figure please. I also want a toy squishy blobfish. It is called Sunny the happy blobfish. I want this toy speedboat that is small. I also want the toy skateboard and some hot wheels. The last things are books and legos.
Sincerely, Brady
Dear Santa,
Hello! My name is Ellie. I am 6 years old. This year I’ve been pretty good. The nicest thing I did thsi year is I got a vandy and a squshmelo. A few gifts I’m wishing for are: earings, stuffy carrier, foam ball.
Dear Santa,
My name is Thomas. I am 8 years old. This year I’ve been pretty good. The nicest thing I did this year is was wene my friend named crosby came over. A few gifts I’m wishing for are Nindeno swich, 71721 Ningago lego set, Booster box pokemon.
Love, Thomas
Dear Santa,
Hello! My name is Juliet . I am 4 1/2 years old. This year I’ve been kind of naughty. The nicest thing I did this year is I listened to my parents sometimes. A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are Kodi from Spirit Rangers, Pokemon cards, bouncy ball.
Love, Juliet
Dear Santa,
My name is Henrik. I am 7 years old and live in Petoskey. I thought you should know that I have been extra nice. My favorite thing that happened this year was than av tran Legos. For Christmas I would like Avitar legos.
Thank you, Henrik
Dear Santa,
Hello! My name is Domino and Sander (pet cats). I am 1 and 8 months old. This year I’ve been pretty good. The nicest thing I did thsi year is Domno did good wen we whent went to the doctr. A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are a rmat cin chrll mous, a noo lite, a preetend kowch to skrch.
Love, Domno and Sandrs
Dear Santa,
I want a puppy and a Barbie Beach set please. Thank you!
Dear Santa,
I want a small puppy and a giant squishmallow. My mom said I could have a real puppy. Can you put mini toys in my stocking agian? Please.
Dear Santa,
How are you? I am doing well. This year is going to be a very nice Christmas. This what I want for Christmas. I want a skymark A330 Turkish Airlines. I also want a Hello Kitty shinkansen train. I also want a baby LOL toy and a popcorn pikmipop. I want a stuffed animal lemer. I also want a toy Trex. I also want a mini statue of Ganesha. I also want slime and a pizza playdoh. I also want a lego friends water park. and Popits! And also squishies and figets and squishmellows. Have a great day!
Love, Taylor
Dear Santa,
My name is Kayleigh. I am a kindergarten. I have been working hard at school. I have tried my best to behave. Would you please bring me presents that I have been wanting??!! I would love to have a squishy, squishmellow, LOL surprise Kids, Polly Pockets, Lalaloopsy, Jewel Sparkle’s little sister, Barbie Chelsee, Princess Barbie with Unicorn, Hello Kittty stuffed animals, a Barbie van, Popits, fidgets and a Barbie Castle. I know you are probably very busy at the moment I will let you go for now. Hopefully, you get to finish all your work by Christmas eve. I will be a good girl waiting and sleeping in bed every night. Looking forward to seeing the presents under my Christmas tree! Have a wonderful Christmas yourself and Mrs. Santa! Merry Christmas!!!
Love, Kayleigh
Hello my name is Madison and I am 4 years old. This year I have been nice. For Christmas this year, I would like to ask you to bring me:
My Life Doll
Tots babies
Mermaid purse
Princess wand and crown
Unicorn makeup
Puppycorn Suprise
Polly Pocket
Dear Santa,
I rily want a trick scooter, puzzle treasure box, pokemon cardes, Legos, Wood working set, walkie takie, robot, stron tog sleds, gum ball machine kit, dig it up, giant pirate discovery!
Dear Santa,
I have been a rily good girl this year. I think I diserv
• Squishomelo
• Wood puzol musik box
• trick scoter
• dimend coloring kit
• Stranger things lego set
• diging pirt dsckuvory
• thinking puty
• Fortnight cards
• lipglos
• tik taks
Dear Santa,
My name is Makenzie. I am 8 years old and I live in Michigan. What I would like most for christmas this year is skateboard because it will help me balance. This year I have been very nice. If you’re not too busy, I would also like a snow clob with you and Rudolph in it. Thank you! M
To Santa From Will and Sam
Santa I love you and the creations that you mace for me.
Hello my name is Abigal and I am 6 years old. For Christmas this year, I would like to ask you to bring me:
ice skates
Capr (camper)
A lit couch (a little couch)
From Abigail
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like pokemon cads I have been a vewy good boy t big broher Miles
Hello my name is Elaina and I am 7 years old. This year I have been nice. For Christmas this year, I would like to ask you to bring me an LOL, Lego’s, Glampr, OMG, Tot’s ball 1, Puppy corn, OMG house, camera.
From, Elaina
Dear Santa,
We are Ginger and Cocoa and we are Finn, Joss, Baay and Sunn’s dogs. We would like lots of snow to play in, ice cute treats, and for our family to always take us with them. We been almost always almost good. Mostly good.
Love, Ginger and Cocoa
Dear Santa, I’ve been good. I want the Lengendary frost bite goo jitsu and a bakugan arena and a golden Bakugan and a cubbo dragnoid bakugan.
Dear Santa,
Phone printer the rest of the information is at home on my other list. Banana.
Love, Joss
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want the game stardew valley and the game It takes two (if it is on the nintendo) and a Chicago Bears ipad case. Have I been good this year yes or no?