National Root Beer Float Day & Classic Root Beer Float Recipe

August 5, 2018

What screams summer more than a classic root beer float? August 6th is National Root Beer Float day and we are ready to celebrate! What we know as modern root beer originated around the late 1800’s. By combining sugar and sassafras root beer was generally sold to local confectionary stores. Root beer was not packaged like it is today – there were no cans or bottles ready to be consumed. Rather, root beer was originally sold in syrup form. It was until later that root beer was brewed into a ready to drink bottled beverage.

Today you can purchase root beer almost everywhere and there are countless brands to choose from including Mug, A&W and IBC just to name a few. My kids love root beer, regardless of the brand. When we eat out at restaurants that’s their go-to beverage. We don’t always have root beer on hand but when we do it definitely doesn’t last long! Our favorite way to enjoy root beer is in root beer floats. They’re easy to make (heck, the kids can do it themselves most of the time) and they don’t last long.

Root Beer Float Recipe

With National Root Beer Float Day being August 6th we’re celebrating with homemade root beer floats! Originating in August 1893 in Colorado root beer floats started innocently enough when a man by the name of Frank Wisner got the idea to serve a scoop of vanilla ice cream into one of his children’s favorite sodas, Myers Avenue Red Root Beer. It was popular right off the bat and everything else is history.

Root Beer Float Recipe

Root Beer Float Recipe


  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Root Beer
  • Chilled glasses


  1. Scoop out 2-3 scoops of vanilla ice cream and place in the bottom of a cold glass.
  2. Carefully pour the root beer into the glass and over the vanilla ice cream.
  3. Serve with a straw and maybe a spoon (my kids love eating theirs with spoons!)

Root Beer Float Recipe

Looking for other fun root beer recipes?

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