Throwing a Good Old Fashion Birthday Party

November 4, 2015

Now, I don’t know how many of you love to host a party but I really do.

I think it is especially important to stop and celebrate a child’s birthday.  I know both my husband and I have very sweet mothers who threw us parties each and every year.  It is something growing up that I really looked forward to and I loved participating in the planning process.  I have wonderful childhood memories of my parties, spending time with cherished friends and learning life skills through hosting.  I hadn’t really thought about it until today but a close friend mentioned to me how birthday parties teach children how to handle themselves socially as a host.  They must greet the guests, thank them for coming, be polite, inclusive and it is a fantastic way to introduce writing a good old fashion thank you note.  Thank you notes I hope continue on even with all the technology increasing every year – there is something so wholesome and wonderful about receiving a thoughtful thank you note.

Tips for throwing a good old fashioned birthday party for your kids!

Of course being a guest at a party is a very important life skill as well.  How to interact, meet new people and carry yourself is something that everyone should practice as a child.

This year Carl turned FOUR.  I am kind of in shock – of course that is very cliché – and a mom-line but it is so true.  How did my baby get so big?  It really does go so fast.  This is why I really think cherishing every minute is so important.  That doesn’t mean that the children don’t need to learn how to behave, do chores, be kind and listen at all.  It just means it’s OK to stop and celebrate these little people growing up and how much we love them.

Throwing a Good Old Fashion Birthday Party

So, for this year a Spiderman party was in order.  We reserved the local SPORT Gymnastics gym for the event as the kids love to bounce around and get their wiggles out followed by cake and snacks in the party room.  My mom made the cupcakes and we enjoyed frosting them together.  She also picked up the Spiderman items for the party and that was a huge help.  I did a Costco run and got drinks and snacks for children and adults alike.  Carl and I enjoyed putting the party bags together and it was good bonding time over popcorn and suckers.  We also had a few close friends come early to help set up and while we were getting the party room ready, I put my husband and Carl in charge of welcoming the guests.  Remember it makes for a much more fun experience if you share the experience with others and let them help you as needed.

The way my mind works picking a theme is key.  It helps me with the color scheme and pulls the whole look together so in this case red and blue took the reins and were a very striking look.  I also put it out to the families that the kiddos were welcome to dress up which some really enjoyed doing and it makes it very festive.

Do you throw parties for your child(ren) every year?  What is your favorite theme? 

I would love to hear about your parties and if you’re looking for party accessories for your theme of the perfect gift for any aged child, stop in to Grandpa Shorter’s or check out the online store!

Cheers to making memories hosting parties and for your children to have a magical childhood (of course that does not mean a spoiled child – just a celebrated one after all their hard work each year).

Until Next Time,

Alex Shorter

West Coast Shorter Wife

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