Bags Over Bucks: Ladies Night Out in Downtown Petoskey!
It’s hunting season here in Michigan and my husband has already been bow hunting the last month and I’ve gotten to hear all about it. He goes and baits the deer and then grabs the photos of the incoming animals off his trail camera and brings them home for the kids to see. Deer, raccoons, porcupines, even a bear!
Sadly, he’s only seen his one elusive big buck a few times and it’s usually in the middle of the night on the trail camera. I don’t mind hearing his stories as I grew up here in Northern Michigan, in the country and my dad hunted deer as well as big game out west, but to be completely honest, I’m not that into it. I’d rather spend the fall doing more girly type activities.
Soon he will be leaving for deer camp is very excited. Ahhhh, deer camp; the one time a year husbands and significant others leave for a few days or possibly a week to hang out with the guys and hopefully snag that elusive buck. That being said, it’s also the time of year that us ladies are left alone to do as we please!

This Friday November 14th, Downtown Petoskey will be offering a new and fun social event for ladies; The Bags Over Bucks Event: Ladies Opening Night.
From 6-8pm on Friday evening select downtown stores will have games, gifts and snacks to enjoy while browsing your favorite products and picking up Christmas gifts for friends and family. This event is all about shopping local and supporting the community.
Make sure you add a stop to Grandpa Shorter’s on your list as they will be serving Hunter’s Chili and Michigan made Brownwood Salsa with chips and fresh cider to sip while perusing their unique selection of unique Michigan products. While you’re there stop by their Hunting Photo Booth for some fun photo memories with Carlos the famous bear and other props!
Then, after enjoying a few hours of shopping head over to City Park Grill for Deer Camp at 8pm with your ultimate Holiday Wish List. Show your Wishlist at City Park’s Deer camp and be entered to win some fabulous Buck Pole prizes, including gift certificates to downtown businesses just in time for holiday shopping.
“Not only is this going to be an incredibly fun night,” says Kate Manthei, Downtown Petoskey’s Promotions Coordinator, “but hopefully this will also get the community thinking about shopping small for the holiday season.” So come on out this weekend if you’re looking for something fun to do and support our local business’s this holiday season.
For more info on Bags Over Bucks and a list of participating store, please visit the Petoskey Downtown website.