Custom Easter Basket (Giant)
Baskets will begin shipping out April 10th, 2025! (Easter is April 20th)
Are you shopping for a loved one that seems impossible to shop for? If so, then our Custom Easter Basket is for you! Based on your answers to our survey below, we will craft the perfect custom basket! The basket will have items that add up to the total selected value. For example, if you purchased our $50 standard basket and have a nephew that loves dinosaurs and chocolates, we will fill the basket to the brim with $50 worth of dinosaur-related items and chocolates!
- Fill out the survey below.
- Be sure to mention anything we should know. (Example: My daughter loves cats!)
- Shipping is FREE!
All curbside pick-up orders will be given in a gift basket, while shipped orders will come in equally festive gift boxes. Click the following link to learn about shipping: