
Back to school season is finally upon us and most Northern Michigan kiddos officially head back to school next week. I can't believe it's going to be fall already. I swear summer's go by quicker and quicker every year! I don't know about you but I'm ready for school to start. We've already shopped...
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Categories: General

Although it doesn't feel like it, Summer is fast approaching and will be here before we know it. School is out in June and many parents I know struggle with what to do with the kids during the summer months and most parents I know are always on the look out early on for summer activities for their k...
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Categories: Petoskey, Michigan Love

Gratitude. What do you think when you hear that word. I know I think of what I am grateful for: my family, my children, my friends, my home, my job, the list goes on. I really do have a lot to be thankful for. I look around my community and see how great it is and there is also a need to help others...
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Categories: Parenting
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