Michigan Love

When you think of fall colors and color tours in northern Michigan, most likely the first thing that comes to your mind is the famous M-119 Scenic Byway that is more commonly referred to as the Tunnel of Trees. This stunning 20-mile drive is so popular that people not only come from all over Mi...
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Categories: Michigan Love

It is now August in northern Michigan. Summer is soon to be a fond memory once again which is quite bittersweet. As we begin to transition into the colorful fall season and look forward to cooler evenings, cheering on our favorite football teams, and pumpkin spice lattes, we can’t help but as...
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Categories: Michigan Love

Spring is finally (sort of) in the air. In northern Michigan that means the ground has started to become soft and muddy with the April rain, spring flowers like daffodils, crocuses, and tulips are beginning to creep up through the ground, and we are noticing the sounds of hundreds of different ...
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Ahh St. Patrick’s Day is almost here, and that means a day filled with shenanigans and malarkey. St. Patrick’s Day is a special day where all of us are Irish and the green beer is flowing freely. In northern Michigan it means springtime is right around the corner, and that in and of itself ...
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Categories: Michigan Love

Wintertime in northern Michigan can be both beautiful and brutal. As a kid growing up in Petoskey, I looked forward to the first snowfall of the season, and I took advantage of all that the winter season had to offer. My brother and I would frequent the Petoskey Winter Sports Park to sled and s...
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Categories: Michigan Love

“Socks are like friends; they are always there for you.” -Unknown Ok, I have a confession to make. I am addicted. . . to socks. Yes, socks. I own quite a few pairs, and by quite a few, I mean well over a hundred. I have thick socks, thin socks, white socks, colorful socks, short socks, l...
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Categories: Michigan Love

The Thanksgiving season is upon us, and this means different things to different people. For some it is a time to be grateful for the things that we have. For some it is a day or weekend of well-deserved rest and relaxation.  For some it means hours of travel by car or plane to be with lo...
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Categories: Michigan Love

What is your favorite Michigan apple? It’s a toss-up between Honeycrisps and Tangos around here, but really can you go wrong? We think not. And come early fall, the apple game is big around here. Be sure to get out and enjoy the sweet and beautiful harvest while you can. Prime apple season s...
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Categories: Michigan Love

A legendary creature roams in northern Michigan There’s one perfectly terrible way to keep your kids up at night: Tell them the legend of The Dogman. He’s been sighted all over Michigan, walks on his back legs, and leaves a path of fear everywhere he goes. He’s also got a song that tells h...
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Categories: Michigan Love

Chasing the Aurora Borealis Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis displaying over Lake Michigan. This spring, Northern Michigan got its finest display of the Aurora Borealis in years on March 23-24, 2023. It was bigger, brighter and more prevalent than anyone could recall in recent memory – or m...
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Categories: Michigan Love
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