Did you know Michigan ranks second in the country for the number of ski areas state-wide? Some of the best are located right here in Northern Michigan. The first significant snowfall of the year is forecast for this weekend, which means the 2015-16 Ski season is about to get underway. It’s time to...
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Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away, can you believe it? I swear I just blink and summer is over and I blinked again and missed Halloween and now it's Thanksgiving in a week and a half. With Thanksgiving also comes Black Friday, one of, biggest shopping days of the year. So, between planning...
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Christmas break just started a few days ago. Are you ready for the kids to go back to school already? I'm not quite there yet, but I'm sure after Christmas I'm going to be! For now, we are still getting ready for the holiday. Today the kids are out Christmas shopping for me with dad. They weren...
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