Holiday Chocolate Chip and M&M Cookies

December 3, 2018

Hello December, welcome back! We are a few days in and the holidays are officially here. Petoskey’s Downtown Holiday Parade was last weekend and this Friday evening, December 7th is the Petoskey Downtown Open House. The Petoskey Steel Drum Band will be there, as well as Santa and the downtown shops will be buzzing with treats, beverages and in-store specials so make sure you stop into Grandpa Shorter’s for some goodies!

The holidays are busy in our house. Now that the kids are older they love helping decorate. We put up our tree the other night. I put the lights on and the girls loved decorating it. Holidays for me growing up always make being in the kitchen and baking. I love making and decorating sugar cookies like Mrs. Shorter’s classic recipe but I’m usually the only one to eat them. My girls will nibble on a few but we mainly give them away to friends. My son and husband love chocolate chip cookies so when I saw the red & green mini M&M’s baking bits I knew what I wanted to make!

These cookies are SO cookie. They bake perfect and you can omit the M&M’s if you’d prefer but we love chocolate in our house!

Holiday Chocolate Chip and M&M Cookies


  • 3/4 C. salted butter, softened to room temperature
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tbsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/2 C. granulated sugar
  • 1 C. packed brown sugar
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 2 C. flour
  • 1/3 C. green & red mini M&M baking bits
  • 1/3 C. semi-sweet chocolate chips

Holiday Chocolate Chip and M&M Cookie Recipe


  1. Cream together the softened butter, egg, egg yolk, vanilla extract, granulated sugar and brown sugar.
  2. Slowly fold in the flour and baking soda.
  3. Add in the mini M&M’s and chocolate chips.
  4. Scoop the cookie dough into 2″ ball and place 2″ a part on a baking sheet.
  5. Bake 10-12 minutes.

*Makes approximately 1 dozen cookies

Holiday Chocolate Chip and M&M Cookie Recipe

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