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As a graduate of one school and having a son at the other I understand the rivalry. No problem when you come to Grandpa Shorter’s, though, you can find a vast selection of items representing allegiance to both the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. Looking for wearing appar...
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Categories:  Shopping

As a kid, you never could have gotten me to eat squash. "Blechh" was a favorite phrase of mine when my taste buds had not yet developed. Now, I have a pre-teen in my house, and she is very much like I was at her age. She is not into anything new! I find myself trying to convince her to eat new food...
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Categories:  Recipes

This past Sunday, Kaitlyn and I went out to my Dad's farm and picked apples. He has 18 trees, and they were loaded with apples. We picked for about an hour and picked several bushels worth. Left many more on the trees to ripen a bit more, but we are anxious to go back out and pick some more...
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Categories:  Recipes

It warms my heart when my daughter Kaitlyn bakes holiday cookies with my mom. Bake a batch with your family and see what happens. It is magic year around. Old Fashion Sour Cream Cookies Ingredients: 1/2 cup shortening1 cup sugar1 egg2 tsp. almond flavoring2 2/3 cups all-purpose flo...
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Categories:  Recipes
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