Michigan Love

Photo Credit: Boyne Mountain Resort It’s been dubbed Michigan’s “second bridge” – and we can’t argue that! The world’s longest timber-towered suspension bridge is now open at Boyne Mountain Resort (just 20 minutes south of Petoskey) and there is no debate that the new Skybridge Mic...
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Categories: Michigan Love

You may be aware that Michigan’s birthday is coming up. January 26 marks our state’s 186th anniversary, which is pretty impressive. However, did you know there’s another day dedicated to The Mitten State? Since 2017, the National Day Calendar has celebrated each state in the order in w...
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Categories: Michigan Love

Sept. 17-18, 2022 – it’s time to toast the harvest! It’s harvest time in Petoskey – for wine! The Harvest Showcase is Sept. 17-18, 2022, and features the 14 wineries that make up the Petoskey Wine Region. The showcase includes paired tastings with small plates (plus a glass to keep!)...
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Categories: Michigan Love

Traveling Northern Michigan’s Inland Waterway is a summer boating adventure you won’t forget. The Inland Waterway is a series of interconnected inland lakes that make up a route over 38 miles long. It begins just outside Petoskey on the west side of Michigan’s lower peninsula. Travel t...
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Categories: Travel, Petoskey, Michigan Love

If you enjoy the outdoors, you’ll find plenty of opportunities for summer adventures near Petoskey in Northern Michigan. The charming town of Petoskey is nestled on the shores of Little Traverse Bay on Lake Michigan. In town, you’ll find unique shops, delicious restaurants, and lovely ac...
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Categories: Travel, Petoskey, Michigan Love

The Petoskey stone is only found in Northern Michigan. Many visitors to the Petoskey area hope to find one on the beach to take home as a souvenir. To have a successful Petoskey stone hunt, you need to know what to look for and where to look. What is a Petoskey stone? A Petoskey stone isn...
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Categories: Petoskey, Michigan Love

Pasties, (pronounced like “pass tea”) are something we eat. These meat and vegetable hand pies were brought to Michigan by Cornish miners who ate the portable delicacies on their lunch break. Think of them as homemade Hot Pockets that actually taste good. Now pasties are a delicious par...
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Categories: Travel, Michigan Love

First things first, let’s get the pronunciation correct. It’s not pay-stee, as in, "My legs are always pasty white after a long Michigan winter." It’s pass-tea. Got it? Good. We Michiganders are passionate about our pasties, and we want to make sure you get it right. Let's talk about the Michi...
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Categories: Travel, Michigan Love

Michigan winters are known for their cold and snow. Based on statewide averages, our state ranks as the sixth snowiest in the Union. On a list of snowiest U.S. cities with populations greater than 100,000, Michigan has the most with four cities in the top 25; Grand Rapids is highest at number four....
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Categories: Michigan Love

Natural wonders abound in Michigan. Along our miles and miles of freshwater coastline and in our pristine forests, you'll find some of the most amazing naturally formed sites in the world.  The Great Lakes - Four out of the five Great Lakes have waters that touch Michigan. The largest group of...
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Categories: Travel, Michigan Love
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