
If you are a fan of Taco Tuesdays, then this recipe is for you! Instead of tacos for your next Mexican dish, try making a taco pie. This meal is quick and easy to make and will have your family members grabbing for a second slice every time!  Ingredients 1 package of crescent rolls1 ...
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Categories: Uncategorized

The big Super Bowl game is just weeks away, and we are all about delicious snacks while we are watching! Are you planning a Super Bowl party for the big game, or are you attending one where you need to bring a dish? If you haven’t thought about what to make yet, have we got the perfect plate ...
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Categories: Recipes

If you’re starting to eat healthier or looking for new and healthy recipes, you’ll love this meatless recipe. Meal planning is one thing I do that helps me stay on track and eat well. I try to meal plan every two weeks for my family, and that means checking local sales, taking stock of what...
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Categories: Recipes

We love fruit, pizza, and the Fourth of July. To combine our love for these three things, we’re sharing an easy-to-make festive dessert for any patriotic holiday. This delicious red, white, and blue flag fruit pizza will be a hit with kids of all ages. (Don’t be surprised if dad goes back f...
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Categories: Holiday Love, Recipes

Hello December, welcome back! We are a few days in and the holidays are officially here. Petoskey's Downtown Holiday Parade was last weekend and this Friday evening, December 7th is the Petoskey Downtown Open House. The Petoskey Steel Drum Band will be there, as well as Santa and the downtown shops ...
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Categories: Recipes, Holidays

I think winter is officially here in Northern Michigan. The last month, it felt like fall just arrived here and now there is snow on the ground. Us northerners woke up to at least 1-2 inches, if not more, of snow this morning. My morning drive to school was filled with anxiety as the roads were icy...
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Categories: Recipes

School starts this week and in my book it is officially fall! The last week the temps have fluctuated with cool 50 degree mornings and 80 degree afternoons. I'm hoping we get an indian summer because we haven't been out on the boat much lately but you just never know with Michigan weather! Local fa...
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Categories: Recipes

There is nothing I love more than fresh produce during the summer months. Growing up on a u-pick farm, you would think I have a green thumb, but sadly it's just the opposite. Or maybe it's because I don't have a lot of time. Either way, I love fresh fruits and veggies during the summer months. We pa...
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Categories: Recipes, Michigan Love

If you're looking for a delicious way to use those candy canes after Christmas, try these Hot Cocoa Cupcakes. These are great for holiday parties...even the adults will rave about these cupcakes. Cupcake Ingredients: 1 C all-purpose flour 1 tsp cinnamon 3/4 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt ...
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Categories: Recipes, Holidays

Fall here in Northern Michigan often means trips to the local farmer's market or apple orchards for fresh seasonal produce. One largely popular seasonal fruit here in Northern Michigan is apples! Growing up on a farm, we had an apple orchard and once fall hit, you could actually smell the apples r...
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Categories: Recipes
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