Jill Schultz

It's hard to believe we are already at the end of 2018. I swear the older I get, the quicker time flies by. I feel like summer and fall were just yesterday. I'm not even sure if I'm ready for the new year but I guess I'll just have to make the best of it! For most of us the new year often means a ne...
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Categories: Holidays, Events

Christmas Eve is only a week away. Are you ready for Christmas break? My kids are super excited and even though I'm nervous to have them home for several days, I secretly cannot wait. My husband and I finished up Christmas shopping earlier today for the kids. I grabbed some fun stocking stuffers fro...
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Categories: Recipes, Holidays

Snow days are something that a parent either dreads or loves. Snowstorms in Northern Michigan can hit unexpectedly but are usually called by 5am-6am by our local superintendents. This leaves a little wiggle room for planning your day. If you need to check for school closing, you can tune into our lo...
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Categories: Michigan Love, General

Hello December, welcome back! We are a few days in and the holidays are officially here. Petoskey's Downtown Holiday Parade was last weekend and this Friday evening, December 7th is the Petoskey Downtown Open House. The Petoskey Steel Drum Band will be there, as well as Santa and the downtown shops ...
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Categories: Recipes, Holidays

This past Saturday was Petoskey's Downtown Holiday Parade. What a great way to get into the holiday spirit! Having rained the night before lost we lost almost all of our snow downtown. The rain held off (for the most part) during the Holiday Parade and it's our family tradition that we attend every...
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Categories: Recipes, Holidays

The holidays are officially here and Thanksgiving is only days away. Petoskey's Downtown Holiday Open House is Friday December 7th and that marks the official Downtown Petoskey Christmas season. Like many small midwest towns, the Christmas season is magical. Maybe it's walking around downtown during...
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Categories: Holidays, Events

I think winter is officially here in Northern Michigan. The last month, it felt like fall just arrived here and now there is snow on the ground. Us northerners woke up to at least 1-2 inches, if not more, of snow this morning. My morning drive to school was filled with anxiety as the roads were icy...
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Categories: Recipes

The holidays are right around the corner and that means the inevitable holiday rush. Every year I try my best to plan ahead on holiday gift purchases, yet I always seem to be rushed regardless of what I do. I love shopping local during the holiday season, especially while the kids are in school. The...
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Categories: Shopping, Holidays

Fall in Northern Michigan signifies pumpkin patches and hayrides, fall wine tours, downtown Petoskey Trick or Treating as well as many more community events. Petoskey is such a great little midwest town. Sitting on the shores of beautiful Little Traverse Bay, it's one of those few places that you ca...
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Categories: Holidays, Events

With November only being less than a few weeks away opening day of deer season is on the horizon. My husband is an active outdoorsman and also hosts hunters safety classes in the City of Petoskey. Soon, him and many other husbands will be venturing off for a week or weekend at the infamous deer camp...
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Categories: Shopping, Holidays, Events
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