Michigan Love

Winter is in full effect and children have continued hopes of getting a snow day or two off from school. There are a lot of legends and superstitions about “rituals” that will make it snow and keep the big yellow buses off the roads. We can’t guarantee any of these methods work, but if yo...
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Categories: Michigan Love, General

Winters in Northern Michigan can be brutal. Petoskey, MI, is known to get over 100 inches of snow a year on average. That’s a lot of the white stuff! It is so easy to hibernate and not go outdoors during those winter months. However, why not get adventurous this winter and challenge yourself to g...
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Categories: Petoskey, Michigan Love

If you are a lover of winter, we are guessing being out in the snow and cold weather, and snowshoeing might be a favorite hobby! Wearing proper snowshoes can make a huge difference when you are out in the snow. Different snowshoes serve different purposes, which is helpful to know when choosing...
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Categories: Petoskey, Michigan Love

If you are a lover of the fall season, there is no better place than Northern Michigan. Not only are the colors outside gorgeous, but there are lots of things to do this time of year, too! Here are a few favorite things we like to do during the autumn months.  Get some fresh air and exe...
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Categories: Michigan Love

It's that time of year again in Northern Michigan when the weather starts to cool down and the leaves start changing color on the trees! For most Michiganders, it's one of our favorite times of the year. We will see the leaves slowly begin to change in Northern Michigan in the next few weeks, w...
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Categories: Michigan Love

There’s no better place to experience summer than Michigan, with our miles of sandy beach, rivers, lakes and forests. There’s so much to do, you’ll never fit it all into one summer. You might not even be able to do it all in a whole lifetime of summers! But why not have fun trying? This list o...
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Categories: Travel, Michigan Love

Swimming in the Great Lakes is perhaps the ultimate perk for those who spend time Up North, but some precautions are wise to heed. Your mother might have told you to wait an hour after eating before swimming, and while this is no longer standard advice, there are other precautions to take: Enjoy t...
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Categories: Michigan Love

According to the National Meteor Society, several meteors are visible every night. Of course, there are many other things to see in the night sky, like the Milky Way, constellations, planets, and even the Northern Lights. There are some important factors to consider that ensure you have the best...
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Categories: Michigan Love

Let’s hear a cheer for the rain. Not only will the spring rains wash away winter’s accumulation of dirt and debris, but also with some warmer temperatures followed by more sunshine, we will soon see the season’s first morel mushrooms. Whether you are a first-time hunter or a veteran, it’s t...
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Categories: Michigan Love

Okay, so the jury might still be out on the question of waffles versus pancakes (waffles), but regardless of where you fall on this question, there is no disputing that pure Michigan maple syrup makes all your breakfast treats taste better. With the warming days of spring at hand, the sap is...
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Categories: Michigan Love
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