
Last year Jennifer Shorter had an idea for an event in downtown Petoskey that would bring people together to enjoy the beginning of the fall season. It is no secret that Jennifer loves all things Halloween. You may or may not know this about her, but she was actually born on Halloween. By the b...
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Categories: Events

If you are a lover of the fall season, there is no better place than Northern Michigan. Not only are the colors outside gorgeous, but there are lots of things to do this time of year, too! Here are a few favorite things we like to do during the autumn months.  Get some fresh air and exe...
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Categories: Michigan Love

It's that time of year again in Northern Michigan when the weather starts to cool down and the leaves start changing color on the trees! For most Michiganders, it's one of our favorite times of the year. We will see the leaves slowly begin to change in Northern Michigan in the next few weeks, w...
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Categories: Michigan Love

With the cooler weather slowly creeping up on us, it’s always fun to breakout the cookbook and start experimenting with yummy fall recipes. Soups are always a go-to for me in the fall. This Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe that I adapted from the Pioneer Women is sure to get you in the fall mood!...
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Categories: Recipes

Pumpkins, wine and everything fine! It's fall and here in Northern Michigan that means the leaves are starting to change colors. The temps are dropping and it's even been a little rainy. That only means one thing, it's fall! Fall here in Northern Michigan is almost magical. The kids are back in scho...
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Categories: Travel, Michigan Love, General

It's mid-September and the weather has been absolutely gorgeous here in Northern Michigan. We finally have our Indian Summer. I spent much of the weekend at the ice rink looking at friends beach and boat photos but only being outside a few minutes was heaven. I have my fingers crossed that the rest ...
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Categories: Recipes

School starts this week and in my book it is officially fall! The last week the temps have fluctuated with cool 50 degree mornings and 80 degree afternoons. I'm hoping we get an indian summer because we haven't been out on the boat much lately but you just never know with Michigan weather! Local fa...
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Categories: Recipes

Back to school season is finally upon us and most Northern Michigan kiddos officially head back to school next week. I can't believe it's going to be fall already. I swear summer's go by quicker and quicker every year! I don't know about you but I'm ready for school to start. We've already shopped...
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Categories: General

October is in full swing here in Northern Michigan and so is the Downtown Petoskey Scarecrow Contest! Downtown Petoskey always puts together the best activities and fall is no exception. Every year, from October 1st through October 31st, the Downtown celebrates the arrival of fall with a scarecrow c...
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Categories: Holidays, Events

It's nearly October in Northern Michigan! It's been in the low 90's that last few days and I am loving it! We've been hitting the beach after school and on weekends and taking the pontoon boat out in the evenings. Even the trees are changing color and you can feel fall creeping in. Seeing the fall c...
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Categories: Michigan Love
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